Stacking Sliding Windows

uPVC Windows

Our Stacking Sliding windows offer an excellent solution for spaces that require a large configuration. They are made from high-performing uPVC, which offers great benefits for New Zealand homes across the whole country.


The Stacking Sliding window has three panels, one more than a standard sliding window. These can be manufactured in the following ways: either one panel is fixed while the other two slide, or all three slide and stack. You can select the exact solution that you need for your home with our variety of designs available. A Stacking Sliding windows create an excellent indoor-outdoor flow for your home.


It comes with a multi-point locking system that ensures it locks tightly and opens easily. These windows are energy-efficient, as they have a quality rubber seal, while also making sure that they keep your home safe and secure.


For more information about our stacking sliding windows or any other uPVC joinery product, get in touch with the Eco Hamilton team. We would love to discuss your needs and find the best solution for your renovation, new build or retrofit!

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