Bifold Windows

uPVC Windows

The Bifold windows from Eco Hamilton are a modern and versatile way to increase the indoor-outdoor flow of your home and connect your space to the outdoors. The panels can all fold out for a wide-open window or you can open just one or a few of the panels to control the airflow to your space. 


The bifold windows can come with three to six panels, so you can choose an option that fits your needs. The main panel can swing open freely but can also be pinned back to remain wide open. The other panels fold back to 90 degrees from the house. These windows are an excellent choice for entertainment areas, such as kitchens and lounges and connects the interior of your home to the outdoors effortlessly.


Our bifold windows have a 100% airtight double rubber seal and a multi-point locking system, which ensures your home is energy-efficient and safe at all times. They offer excellent benefits to homes in all New Zealand environments and ensure that your house stays comfortable during the whole year.


To learn more about our bifold windows and other uPVC products, get in touch with the Eco Hamilton team. We can explain the benefits of double glazing and why you should choose one of our great products for your home!

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